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As children, we are always taught that ‘sharing is caring’. We are taught that in order to be a good citizen and an exemplary child of God, we should always share. The slight problem with that teaching is that there are certain things no one will share with you – the fruit of your lips. Proverbs 18:21 (KJV).

As it regards the words we speak, the effect or outcome is unfailingly, a multiple choice of 2. You can edify or destroy, speak life or death, attract blessings or attract curses, uplift a soul or destroy one. The point is that there is either a positive or negative outcome to spoken words, there are no in-betweens.

It is important from an early age to teach children that words are important. The Bible tells us that we can speak life or death, so why not start early? From a young age, we should learn to speak positive affirmations to ourselves. This is something we definitely need as adults, but it will be easier to do this as adults if we start as kids.

You are what you say you are

God has given us the authority to utter a thing, make a decree or declaration about anything, and it will be manifested (Job 22:28).

That is the reason why the Bible tells us that life or death is in the tongue – the words we speak. We can move mountains with our words, heal diseases and raise the dead by speaking in the name of Jesus. The same power within us, that causes these to happen, can also shape our lives and destinies. In other words, the words we utter makes us who we are.

If we speak favor about ourselves, we will be favored. If we speak diseases into our lives we will be diseased. When we speak blessings and beauty into our lives, we will be beautiful and blessed. Empowered by God, our words are powerful.

Harvest Good Fruit

Any gardener or farmer will tell you that you get good crops or harvest from good seeds. Planting diseased seeds will yield you nothing. With your lips, plant good seeds about your life. Even when your current situation is vastly different from how you want it to be, with faith, make a decree in the name of Jesus and it will be so.

It is my primary goal for 2019 to always speak life and blessings into every area of my life. I want to yield good fruit and harvest good. In order to do that, I want to sow good seeds into my life, not just by actions and thoughts, but words as well.

Free Good Seed Store

To get free good seeds to plant into your life, head to the Bible. It is an awesome resource that tells us all the wonderful ways God loves us and all the wonderful things God has to say about us. In order to speak positive things into our lives, we need to load up on good seeds, which we can only get from the Bible. So, make it a point to invest a few minutes each day, basking in God’s words, and throughout the day, sow those words in our lives.

A good guide filled with Bible verses and Bible passages we can use to bless ourselves is “What God says about Me”. Get a free copy on my website here.

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